Health West - Youth Health Hub
Tania Wilson
Phone: 09 8362329 or text 021 824 500
Location: Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
We offer free health services for youth including – a choices to wellbeing programme for youth with mild to moderate mental health issues where youth are able to choose a provider that best suits their needs, Free Primary Health Care services for youth aged 12-24, a young dads programme, and school based health services in the following secondary schools: Kelston Boys Kelston Girls Waitakere College Henderson High School, Kaipara College, Massey High School Rodney College Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Hoani Waititi Marae
He Oranga Poutama- He Pii Ka Rere
Riripeti Motu
Phone: 022 043 3027
Location: Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
The He Oranga Poutama programme has a goal of, “increasing participation and leadership as Māori in sport and traditional physical activity at community level”.
Te Wairua Tapu
Pa Rīkau Karepa
Phone: 0212517027, 098331348
Location: Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Independent youth worker who offers supervision of youth activities in Massey community, some in partnership with Mangatewhau Hub.
Te Whānau ō Waipareira
Phone: 09 836 6683
Break Away Programme – holiday programme for youth 11-13 yrs and 14-17 yrs. Break Through Programme – Support for families and Youth 2-24yrs at risk of becoming involved with a youth gang culture Wrap Around – Youth Justice referrals at risk of offending, in MOJ care or requiring CYF intervention aged 10-17 yrs. Support up to one year. Youth At Risk – Supervised, structured programmes and preventative activities for youth at risk of offending 8-24 yrs. Rangatahi Mentoring – Mentoring for students leading into NCEA. Students in years 11,12,13 from selected schools.
The Village Trust
Maliena Jones
Phone: 09 828 6520
A youth service with a strategic focus on Pasifika and Māori communities unique needs and issues. Includes a sports academy, mentoring programme and Youth Central – which is a place for our young people to chill out and have fun on Friday nights at Kelston Boys High School Gym from 4pm – 8pm.
Cinnamon Whitlock
Phone: 09 551 4367
Location: Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Supporting teen parents via social supports, a whānau centred approach, advocacy and education.
Whau Youth Providers Network
Jo Noema
Phone: 021 132 0961
Connection point for youth services to work on collaborative youth events and provide a voice for youth issues.
For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.
Get in touch
0800 924 942
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