Kapa Haka
Kerehana Cultural Group (Kelston Girls and Kelston Boys)
Parehuia Nepe
Phone: 09 827 6063
Combined kapa haka for both secondary schools to participate in kapa haka.
Ngā Taiohi ō Pānuku
Rerekohu August
Phone: 09 838 9085
Email: raugust@hhs.school.nz
Location: Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Henderson High School Kapa Haka tutored by Rerekohu August.
Ngā Tūmanako
Reikura Kahi
Phone: 021606725
Email: reikura.k@gmail.com
Te Kotuku
Phone: 09 834 4099
Email: commed@rutherford.school.nz
Location: Te Atatu
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Rutherford College Kapa Haka.
Te Rautahi
John Tuoro
Phone: 021 2097600
Email: terautahikapahaka@gmail.com
Location: Glen Eden
Local Board: Whau / Waitakere
Formed in 1984 under the leadership of the Tuoro whānau, based at Hoani Waititi Marae, members are Auckland wide and committed to learn, participate and teach songs and dances of the Māori.
Pounamu Performing Arts
Tapeta & Annette Wehi
Phone: 09 8337787, 0278392840
Email: tapeta.wehi@wananga.ac.nz
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Pounamu Performing Arts specialises in Māori Cultural performances and cultural tours, both within Aotearoa (New Zealand) and overseas. Performances vary and can be designed to meet your needs.
Te Roopu Kapa Haka o Te Atatu
Alisha Taumaunu
Phone: 021 015 37 870
Email: tskiish@gmail.com
Location: Te Atatu Peninsula
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Community kapa haka for 5-12yr olds of all nationalities. Practices Fridays 5-7pm at Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre. Koha.
Te Roopu o Patiki Avondale College
Lyndy Watkinson
Phone: 09 828 7024
Email: wtn@avcol.school.nz
Te Taha Tu
Maurits Kelderman
Email: maurits@designtribe.co.nz
Location: Te Atatu Peninsula
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Established in 2009. Use kapahaka to develop performers’ knowledge and ability, use skills in Māori performing arts, weaponry, waiata, te reo, kakahu, invite participation of all ages (over 14).
Te Waka Huia
Tāpeta and Annette Wehi
Phone: 09 8337787, 0278392840
Email: tapeta.wehi@wananga.ac.nz
Location: Manukau
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Te Waka Huia are brought together with a common desire to retain, maintain and enjoy the perfomance of the traditional Māori performing arts.
Waitakere College / St Dominics College Combined Kapa Haka
Teacher in charge: Pearl Snowden
Location: 42 Rathgar Rd, Henderson
Local Board: Hsn-Massey
Contact for St Dominics College Principal Anna Swann aswann@stdoms.ac.nz
Nga Pae Maunga o Waitakere is tutored by Hone Tobin.
For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.
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