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Ako Panuku West Auckland

Wil Flavell

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

We are a cluster of secondary school te reo Māori teachers who get together to share teaching and learning resources and participate in facilitated professional development opportunities.

Māori Stakeholder, Co-Design Network

Vikki Ham

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

West Auckland agencies and organisations working together and reconnecting our people to hauora, whānau ora and mauri ora. Vikki works at a regional sport trust and has a focus on Māori codesign.

Kelston Whānau Māori

Parehuia Nepe Kinstry Smythe

Location: Kelston

Local Board: Whau

Network of Māori living and working in the Kelston community.

National Urban Māori Authority

Simone Andersen

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

NUMA’s primary goal is to advocate, promote and develop Māori achievement. We advocate on behalf of our membership to secure Central Government Contracts, for national distribution. Our members are then responsible for regional management and delivery of the services.

Waikumete Urupa Committee

Georgina Parata



Location: Glen Eden

Local Board: Whau

Kaitiaki o te urupā Māori – guardians of the Māori cemetary and burial history of Waikumete.

For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.

Get in touch

0800 924 942

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