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Social Services

He Wero Teen Parent Unit

Helen Peke

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

We welcome any young parent under 19 to take the opportunity to complete their secondary education.

Health West - Te Puna Manawa

Aroha Hudson CEO Gaylene Sharman Whānau Ora Manager

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

The Whānau Ora team consists of Whānau Ora Kaitiaki/Social Workers who help navigate and link you and/or your whānau to clinical, justice, education and social services for Māori, Pacific and high needs families.

Tania Wilson Clinical Director Youth Hub

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

A parenting programme for fathers aged 24 and under. Self referral and referrals from general practice, Waitakere Youth Health Clinic, schools and other health and social providers.

Hoani Waititi Marae

Shane White

Location: Glen Eden

Local Board: Waitakere

Man Alive

Mark Strang

Man Alive’s point of difference is our programmes (counselling, support, mentoring & living without violence) for men and youth are run by men, for men. Our Māori programme, Te Ara Taumata Ora, uses the same themes as Living Without Violence but they are delivered in culturally appropriate ways.

Ranui Action Project

Hinemoa Key

Location: Ranui

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

The network is a place to come together with people who live or work in Ranui. The purpose of the network is to find ways to work, plan, coordinate and collaborate with each other, share information about the outcomes of your work in Ranui, and extend the wellbeing and creativity of the community.

Te Rōpū Kaumātua o Waipareira

Mere Tunks

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

We offer a collective social outlet for kaumātua/kuia to get together – ukelele club, waiata sessions, transport to hui and access to health services.

Ranui Branch

Emma Frost

Location: Ranui

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Focusing on Māori traditional values and concepts the Ranui Branch works alongside the Regional and National bodies of the MWWL. Under the National league banner of ‘tatau tatau’ we are accountable to each other to ensure we are tika, pono and aroha.

Te Atatu Branch

Cinnamon Whitlock, Branch President

Location: Te Atatu

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Te Atatu Branch adheres the objects of the MWWL with the main object being to provide and promote leadership to effectively participate in the spiritual, social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of our whānau and community

Te Ukaipo Mercy Initiatives

Cecily Mantell

Location: Ranui

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Through community development initiatives, quality programmes and services, Te Ukaipo works with youth and families in West Auckland to help them achieve their potential, providing pathways out of risk.

Te Whānau ō Waipareira

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Free services for you and your whānau

Tu Wahine

Stella Gukibau

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Tu Wahine Trust is a Kaupapa Māori service for Māori Women, Children and their Whānau dealing with violence and abuse, including sexual violence. The Trust: Provides counselling, therapy and support to Māori women, children, and families affected by violence and abuse Specialises in domestic violence, rape, incest, and other related violence Approved provider under the Domestic Violence Act to run programmes for Domestic Violence to applicants and applicants’ children ACC Registered Counsellors

Waitemata Māori Wardens

Jack Taumaunu

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Māori Wardens volunteer their services providing support, security, traffic and crowd control, first aid, and other services to the community (Rangatahi and whanau). They patrol the trains and public transport platforms in Waitakere and have a presence in shopping centres.


Tiaria Fletcher

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

We provide networking opportunities, support and advocacy for over 50 Waitakere agencies working with people affected by family violence and child abuse and neglect. We also coordinate violence prevention campaigns and supporting projects to improve the capacity of service delivery in the Waitakere area.

Family Works

Tiaria Fletcher

Location: Henderson

Local Board: Hsn-Massey

Family Works New Zealand builds strong families that learn, grow and thrive. Our social services help make NZ the best place to raise children.

Ngā Takiwā o Tāmaki Trust

Ngā Takiwā o Tāmaki Trust is a social service and community development provider within the West and South Auckland Communities covering a range of services aimed at whānau engagement, advocacy services and health.

For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.

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0800 924 942

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