Rōpū Kaumātua 2024 Christmas Lunch at Te Mahurehure Marae

Te Whānau o Waipareira Rōpū Kaumātua held their 2024 Christmas lunch alongside Hoani Waititi kaumātua at Te Mahurehure Marae today.
Over 100 were present for a special long service presentation to Christina Charlotte Moses (Waki) by Evelyn Taumaunu who met Waki 51 years ago.

Other presentations included Marion, wife of Rōpu Kaumātua Chair, Albie Tepania and Matua Jim who recently graduated from Te Wānanga Takiura o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa after 34 weeks of total immersion Rumaki Reo programme.
"It is an honour at 80 to learn to speak te reo and I encourage all of you kaumātua to get out there and learn. I thank all of the rangatahi who embraced and encouraged me to further my education in te reo. If I can do it, anyone can. It's never too late".
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