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Why The Census Is Important For You

The Census. It's a part of our lives and a necessary document for us all to complete and here are the reasons why:-

  • It is used to make decisions about services like hospitals, schools, roads, public transport and recreational facilities. That way you and your whānau have the resources necessary so your neighbourhood can function, as well as give you access to leisure activities.
  • Your data that's collected is also used by your local council, community groups, iwi and businesses to plan for the future.
  • Once you return your census forms, the data is collated and anonymised!!!

Your information does not get shared to outside groups
Your information is not taken straight to the police
Your information is not freely available to anyone. It is kept strictly confidential.

Come and see us at 6 Pioneer Street, Henderson on Friday or Saturday until the end of June, and we can, and will answer any questions and talk you through the forms. PLUS there are great giveaways and our support staff there for whatever you need. Or call us 0800-924-942.

For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.

Get in touch

0800 924 942

Want to know how we can help?
We're here to kōrero!

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