We Remember Matua Hone Pene

E rongo ki te tangi ā te ngākau e kapa ana.
Mōu rā e te ringa whero kua rere
ki te pae o ngā rangi.
Rangi ki runga, Papa ki raro
Tupu ana e ngā uri
Pū te wai o Pareira
Inuhia kia ora e…
E tangi mōteatea ana tō rahi o Te Whānau o Waipareira mōu rā e te ringa raupā. Mōu I whakapeto ngoi mō te oranga o te hapori te take. Ka tiro ake ki ngā tini whetū ki te rangi ka maumahara ki ō mahi māra kai. Whanga atu koe ki te kupenga a Taramainuku, kia tōia ake ki te waka o Tamarereti, whetūrangitia ai koe e Kara e. Kei konei mātou hei ringa tautoko ki te whānau pani e noho taumaha ana I tēnei wā. E te Kaiārahi Māra kai o Te Atatū marae, haere mai, haere. Moe mai rā.
Matua Hone Pene was gracious enough to let us include his story in our Annual Report 2021 - 2022.
For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.
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