Minister Launches New Te Whānau o Waipareira COVID Response Reports at Conference
Minister Peeni Henare launched the second report Herenga Tāngata: Whānau Ora Response to COVID-19 Delta & Omicron at the Whānau Ora Comissioning Conference in Rotorua.
This is the second of four COVID reports outlining the response from the Whānau Ora collective, including Te Whānau o Waipareira and Minister Henare applauded the phenomenal effort from the network especially over the past two years.
“You should celebrate as we reflect on ten years of Whānau Ora, coming together for the first time in a long time, and in person, to be able to hug one another, to talk to one another and to cry with one another is hugely important”.
Herenga Tāngata: Whānau Ora Response to COVID-19 Delta and Omicron showcases Whānau Ora workforce at the forefront of the testing and vaccination stations while tirelessly supporting their communities. It is also an acknowledgment of all of the kaimahi across the collective whose commitment and unwavering efforts protected whānau regardless of location, or circumstances.
Te Whānau o Waipareira was well represented with presentations and panel discussion involving CEO, John Tamihere, Director of Whānau Ora Jacqui Harema, Director of Korure Whānau, Irirangi Mako and COO Awerangi Tamihere. Kaimahi were in full force working long hours behind the scenes ensuring everything ran smoothly. And it did.
For the past 40 years, Waipareira have provided free services and support for whānau of all ages in West Auckland – health, legal, housing and education.
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