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Tamihere Talks Podcast - Episode 9

Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen, Chief Medical Officer Te Whatu Ora to update and educate us about the increasing number of whooping cough cases in our communities.

Former Minister and political commentator, Sandra Lee-Vercoe on the current electoral roll options for Māori
Mike King currently on day two of the Hope Challenge, a 16-day swim-bike-run relay from Cape Reinga to Wellington for youth mental health awareness alongside Richie Bartnett and Rick Wells. Dr Ang Jury the CEO of Women’s Refuge on the disturbing security footage of the woman being assaulted in a Ngaruawahia bottle store then dragged into a waiting car over Easter.

Dylan Thomsen, AA Road Safety Spokesperson, discusses our lowest Easter road toll in three years and the current conditions of our highways.

Plus, Te Pāti Co-Leader, Rawiri Waititi.

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